Inb4 Theron dies.
Inb4 murd gets res’d and the rest of the party wipes and he carries the team
Things that are giant and purple are supposed to be friendly.
That is for dinosaurs…dragons are friendly while doing magic providing they are named Puff
Wasn’t puff the magic dragon supposed to be a druggo?
You raid and raid and raid, and yet you never get close to killing it.
And even then it just drops a {SPIFFY BANJO OF +1.2 SPEED} instead.
friendly…happy…it has to come from somewhere right?
Who the fuck is Garrix?
The other rogue. One of two other rogues I believe.
Rule #1 of dragon fights: Stand at the flank, not the front, not the back, the flank.
Unless its zombie Onyxia with lightning-sides.
Then just get the fuck away from the dragon.
Also both of your avatars match perfectly to what you are saying and that is awesome.
Whelps! Left side! Handle it!
That’s a f**king 50 dkp minus!!!
Dots! Dots! We need more Dots!!!
And quit F’ing dying.
I just finished reading every single comic in this series and have loved it from the beginning, i have loved seeing the characters and how the drawing have evolved, awesome job keep it up Robin.
High praise from the Lich King himself. Thanks! 😀
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Inb4 Theron dies.
Inb4 murd gets res’d and the rest of the party wipes and he carries the team
Things that are giant and purple are supposed to be friendly.
That is for dinosaurs…dragons are friendly while doing magic providing they are named Puff
Wasn’t puff the magic dragon supposed to be a druggo?
You raid and raid and raid, and yet you never get close to killing it.
And even then it just drops a {SPIFFY BANJO OF +1.2 SPEED} instead.
friendly…happy…it has to come from somewhere right?
Who the fuck is Garrix?
The other rogue. One of two other rogues I believe.
Rule #1 of dragon fights: Stand at the flank, not the front, not the back, the flank.
Unless its zombie Onyxia with lightning-sides.
Then just get the fuck away from the dragon.
Also both of your avatars match perfectly to what you are saying and that is awesome.
Whelps! Left side! Handle it!
That’s a f**king 50 dkp minus!!!
Dots! Dots! We need more Dots!!!
And quit F’ing dying.
I just finished reading every single comic in this series and have loved it from the beginning, i have loved seeing the characters and how the drawing have evolved, awesome job keep it up Robin.
High praise from the Lich King himself. Thanks! 😀