The Reasonable title is now unlocked.
To be fair to Karen, that was the price Dairn set for helping out with Murd’s hacked account.
Dairn wanted to find out who took his food, Keran started the “OMG ORHAN HAS INFILTRATED THE GUILD” hunt.
We all know this is actually your own sneaky way of diverting our attention, from the fact that ORHAN HAS ALREADY INFILTRATED THE GUILD. VEDRANA IS ORHAN AND HAS BEEN ALL ALONG, WAKE UP SHEEPLE
For some reason the “if improbable” has me chuckling. A+ dialog. 😀
…Now kiss
Guilt Trip Rank: Master
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The Reasonable title is now unlocked.
To be fair to Karen, that was the price Dairn set for helping out with Murd’s hacked account.
Dairn wanted to find out who took his food, Keran started the “OMG ORHAN HAS INFILTRATED THE GUILD” hunt.
We all know this is actually your own sneaky way of diverting our attention, from the fact that ORHAN HAS ALREADY INFILTRATED THE GUILD. VEDRANA IS ORHAN AND HAS BEEN ALL ALONG, WAKE UP SHEEPLE
For some reason the “if improbable” has me chuckling. A+ dialog. 😀
…Now kiss
Guilt Trip Rank: Master