yea the mask looks like its based on Warcraft rogue helms.
And, yea though this game is only losely BASED on warcraft one of the tropes he’s been using is colored speech to denote Guild announcements, whispers, ect. So That was in /say which appears as a speech bubble!. So their first screenshot had it in.
Question is where the author is going with this.
It could segui into a next scene with that being the final punchline
Could go into people razing on murd.
Could be an argument as Ver is like “oookay. So trying for another screenshot” as she doesnt want guild drama at the moment.
Depends on the ruleset the game uses. a Bard in FFXIV is a dps class with buffing utility. I’m not familiar with a DnD Bard, but I did some googling and it does sound like one could build a Bard a particular way to focus on healing – at least with certain editions. I don’t think a straight up healing bard is typical though.
God i do hope Text bubbles are saved on those screenshots!
Also why does everyone just look at him like oke…
yet the bald dude is having a revelation!
He’s probably taken a lot of crap from Murd, being the “other” rogue.
yea the mask looks like its based on Warcraft rogue helms.
And, yea though this game is only losely BASED on warcraft one of the tropes he’s been using is colored speech to denote Guild announcements, whispers, ect. So That was in /say which appears as a speech bubble!. So their first screenshot had it in.
Question is where the author is going with this.
It could segui into a next scene with that being the final punchline
Could go into people razing on murd.
Could be an argument as Ver is like “oookay. So trying for another screenshot” as she doesnt want guild drama at the moment.
So we’ll see
ooooooh snap
Haha, love it! Also nice group shot!
Justice rains from above.
Absolute Vindication
Feather-in-cap guy just makes me giggle every time I look at him. Ye gods, we need an emote like that. No idea what you’d call it, but we need it.
It’s /tonight as in “My name’s Sal, but you can call me tonight.”
All the expressions before and after are great.
The jelly was too much for her.
Fingerguns over there is like “oh shit, I didnt realize people so old played this game!”
I want a spinoff series that follows loose-cannon Dwarf(?) Ranger(?) Fingerguns and his straight-laced by-the-book partner Gnome(?) Cleric(?) Mullet.
Alternate names: Mulley (for her mullet) and Scalder (because he’s so hot, he’ll scald you!
Also, Patreon contributors should get unique access to this sidequest.
The dwarf is a bard, the gnome is a warrior. Though I think that works even better for the buddy cop duo.
Lysa doesn’t need no legendary knife to backstab a fellow guildy.
so, 10 man raid, that was always my favorite,
If this was the end of the chapter then this was the perfect page to end it on
Even in the second panel, Zhusen looks like he’s seen some shit.
Though, being the only healer, I suppose he would have.
Though I find myself wondering – would a bard be a healer, or is it just a buff class? Because if Zhusen is the only healer, that dude is freaking OP.
Depends on the ruleset the game uses. a Bard in FFXIV is a dps class with buffing utility. I’m not familiar with a DnD Bard, but I did some googling and it does sound like one could build a Bard a particular way to focus on healing – at least with certain editions. I don’t think a straight up healing bard is typical though.
I made the assumption that the female (Night Elf?) in the back on the right was either a priest or druid healer.
Sorry Murd, you asked for it!
Sometime after the comic ended, the Raid group got together and presented Zhusen with a photo edited version of this screenshot. ❤️
Sure, I’ll canonize this.