Ahhh guild dramma… how I have missed it.
My god… this is literally my guild…
The accursed Discord strikes again!
Theron’s reaction though.
Lot of gold body language in that last panel.
Classic Garrix move!
Her face in the next to last panel, tho. 😀
“What we have here is a failure to communicate.”
I legit cannot remember the last time I look at any of my guilds’ forums. I should probably remedy that.
We for rid of any kind of ‘forum’ when discord came out. We have channels and such there now to post any activity and need to know. ;P They need to get with the times, you have discord, why use anything else?
We just got a break in the case. This goes all the way to the top.
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Ahhh guild dramma… how I have missed it.
My god… this is literally my guild…
The accursed Discord strikes again!
Theron’s reaction though.
Lot of gold body language in that last panel.
Classic Garrix move!
Her face in the next to last panel, tho. 😀
“What we have here is a failure to communicate.”
I legit cannot remember the last time I look at any of my guilds’ forums. I should probably remedy that.
We for rid of any kind of ‘forum’ when discord came out. We have channels and such there now to post any activity and need to know. ;P They need to get with the times, you have discord, why use anything else?
We just got a break in the case. This goes all the way to the top.