Wow so instead of just making an alt on the same account, he went out and bought another copy of the game and xpack and paid for another sub, just for all this?
Back in the day, WoW didn’t allow you to have cross faction alts on PVP servers. I think it was WoD or MoP that finally allowed it.
So Probably both a call back to those days, and a “Don’t worry I’m not cheesing this and letting his main not get banned, don’t ask in the comments guys, also see, it’s the same payment, so it’s not the sister’s account either” sign from Robin.
Oh man we don’t just get one, we get two ban hammers apparently!
Bang! Bang! GM’s banning hammer
Came down upon his head
Bang! Bang! GM’s banning hammer
Made sure that he was banned
Well, he may be slow to respond, but not the uptake.
So satisfying <3
Duel wielding Ban Hammers… such has not been seen since the end of the Second Age.
Castor will officially be a LEGEND.
Battleship sized piece of boilerplate there.
I mean, ever since that unfortunate dual-boxing exploit with Dracula and Alucard, they really had to crack down.
Wow so instead of just making an alt on the same account, he went out and bought another copy of the game and xpack and paid for another sub, just for all this?
Back in the day, WoW didn’t allow you to have cross faction alts on PVP servers. I think it was WoD or MoP that finally allowed it.
So Probably both a call back to those days, and a “Don’t worry I’m not cheesing this and letting his main not get banned, don’t ask in the comments guys, also see, it’s the same payment, so it’s not the sister’s account either” sign from Robin.
love the shoutout to the mobile autheticator. that was on every blizzard advert for like 2 years
I loved the raised eyebrow look in the GM’s visor XD