What’s amusing reading through the comments four years later (for the first time), I was wondering who the female cleric was. Finally became clear last arc XD
Zhusen is one of the few trustworthy with this power. Everyone else will use it to troll. Castor probably already either has an alt leveled, or is working on it.
I have had priests in WoW use Leap of Faith to slow me down when I try to run back to the boss after a wipe just to troll. After years of opening portals to the wrong place for people, I tip my gnome mage’s pointy red hat at priests for their time to troll.
Dude, Castor and/or his buddies are going to have a field day with that spell as it doesn’t require authorization from the person who gets pulled (as we just saw).
Stand next to a baddie, pull ally, play dead.
Cast “immune to fire” on self, stand in fire, pull ally.
As an ally is charging up an attack pull them to you, they hit a city guard.
Pull a healer who is running towards a wounded person.
Stand on a small ledge high up, pull ally, no room on ledge for ally, ally falls
Eat “infinite water breathing” item, go underwater, pull enemies under water (Keran style)
Team up with an enemy player and pull sucker in for them.
But isn’t Castor a bard? He should make and maybe level up a cleric character before doing so, or ask someone to do it. Plus there is the party issue, who would accept Castor in the party? lol
But your missing the point. We can also push him into the fire.
We live in hope
Faint hope
Best part of Cata, really.
I really like the new eyes! 😉
Zhu looks mega cute :3
Though now I have to update all the avatars again in a few weeks to match.
What’s amusing reading through the comments four years later (for the first time), I was wondering who the female cleric was. Finally became clear last arc XD
yeah, I noticed the eyes. That was rather different XD
Quick, try it on a ship! (That was a fun bug)
So was a DK’s grip,especially right as the boat was leaving 🙂
Zhusen is one of the few trustworthy with this power. Everyone else will use it to troll. Castor probably already either has an alt leveled, or is working on it.
I have had priests in WoW use Leap of Faith to slow me down when I try to run back to the boss after a wipe just to troll. After years of opening portals to the wrong place for people, I tip my gnome mage’s pointy red hat at priests for their time to troll.
Been there. People will use abilities to troll others. It’s the nature of the world.
Shaman and Death Knights will water walk people falling long distances toward water.
Priests will grip people running back.
Mages will open portals to Dalaran crater.
Hunters will misdirect to people.
Dude, Castor and/or his buddies are going to have a field day with that spell as it doesn’t require authorization from the person who gets pulled (as we just saw).
Stand next to a baddie, pull ally, play dead.
Cast “immune to fire” on self, stand in fire, pull ally.
As an ally is charging up an attack pull them to you, they hit a city guard.
Pull a healer who is running towards a wounded person.
Stand on a small ledge high up, pull ally, no room on ledge for ally, ally falls
Eat “infinite water breathing” item, go underwater, pull enemies under water (Keran style)
Team up with an enemy player and pull sucker in for them.
Hopefully it only works on teammates – which won’t slow Castor much, admittedly, considering his guild size.
But isn’t Castor a bard? He should make and maybe level up a cleric character before doing so, or ask someone to do it. Plus there is the party issue, who would accept Castor in the party? lol
One: Zhusen must be protected at all costs.
Two: Bottom Left of the center panel. Anyone else see vision?