Monday is the 300th Experience Boost. Holy crap.
P.S. Experience Boost on Patreon
Theron’s going to end up like one of those Korean kids they find dead in a cafe after playing for 80 hours straight.
Time for an intervention?
I feel 10% more tired just reading this strip.
Sleep is for the weak.
Is it just me or is Theron getting, well, creepier? Pathetic? I’m not sure of the word I want here.
He’s already pathetic. He made an elf.
Well, that’s the creepiest ‘look into Theron’s eyes’ gag, yet.
Yikes. Happy I grew of sleep is for the weak phase.
Hey, look, an Undead Elf!
I remember when I used to be like Theron…. Those were good days…
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Theron’s going to end up like one of those Korean kids they find dead in a cafe after playing for 80 hours straight.
Time for an intervention?
I feel 10% more tired just reading this strip.
Sleep is for the weak.
Is it just me or is Theron getting, well, creepier? Pathetic? I’m not sure of the word I want here.
He’s already pathetic.
He made an elf.
Well, that’s the creepiest ‘look into Theron’s eyes’ gag, yet.
Yikes. Happy I grew of sleep is for the weak phase.
Hey, look, an Undead Elf!
I remember when I used to be like Theron…. Those were good days…