server crash imminent
Most tags ever.
In the end, the only winners will be the graphics card companies making the replacements.
My old laptop would litterally fry itself!
I knew Murderbane would have to be part of this. xXxMurderbanexXx incoming for the gank.
Everyone concentrate on Nahro first!
Sweeeeet revenge. A_A
Castor, now is the time!
Duel of Fates starts playing.
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server crash imminent
Most tags ever.
In the end, the only winners will be the graphics card companies making the replacements.
My old laptop would litterally fry itself!
I knew Murderbane would have to be part of this. xXxMurderbanexXx incoming for the gank.
Everyone concentrate on Nahro first!
Sweeeeet revenge. A_A
Castor, now is the time!
Duel of Fates starts playing.