Make love, not RoQcraft.
Now, an extension of the olive branch, a reschedule of where & when to fight properly after the server restart or a blowing of all the cooldowns before the 5 minutes are up?
“Hey” Meet me at —- *voip*
Reset The server will be available in *** minutes.
GM is a killjoy
That one orc still trying to keep the fun going. >NO FUCK YOU GUYS
Wait, why would Narho text his mom? Why is he trying to deflect? Did Lys record the breakdown and sent it to their parents?
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Make love, not RoQcraft.
Now, an extension of the olive branch, a reschedule of where & when to fight properly after the server restart or a blowing of all the cooldowns before the 5 minutes are up?
Meet me at —- *voip*
The server will be available in *** minutes.
GM is a killjoy
That one orc still trying to keep the fun going. >NO FUCK YOU GUYS
Wait, why would Narho text his mom? Why is he trying to deflect? Did Lys record the breakdown and sent it to their parents?